Orphan Hope

Children around the world have been the victims of global conflicts for far too long as wars and sanctions have left many orphaned and with an uncertain future. These families are often extremely poor, suffering the loss of fathers and bread winners, and living in the most vulnerable economic and social situations. Tragically, UNICEF estimates hundreds of millions, are seriously threatened and in need of humanitarian relief1.
Operating locally and globally, Orphan Hope program provides basic needs and ongoing support to widow and orphan households. As part of this effort, Zaman sponsors orphans each year at $600 each, providing financial support to families, allowing these children to continue their education and work toward a brighter future.
Donations to Orphan Hope via Zaman provide clothing, school supplies, transportation fees, tuition, food, and gifts at several of the educational institutions. One academy in Iraq, Al-Salihat Girls Academy, currently teaches more than 260 young girls with a capacity to grow to 400 as graduates of the school have been accepted at prestigious and advanced universities such as medical, pharmaceutical, dentistry, and engineering schools.
This effort is made possible through Zaman's partnership with non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It connects our donors with partners around the globe that provide annual funding in support of thousands of orphans worldwide.